Quarterly Newsletter Q3 (July to September 2022)

House of Wells Quarterly Newsletter (Quarter 3: July – September 2022)
House of Wells (H.O.W), a Non-Profit Organisation registered in South Africa & the UK exists to restore hope and dignity, and release the potential, of children and youth particularly orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children.  
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House of Wells Enrichment Centres
Quarterly Newsletter (July to September 2022)


QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER – July to September 2022

Dear H.O.W. Partners,
A BIG THANKS to all of you….House of Wells celebrated 14 years, in August. God can never forget your labour of love, kindness and generosity over the past 14 years. Your consistent giving stands as a testament before God always.  You will never ever lack in Jesus’ name. Thank you!! 

           QUARTERLY UPDATE – July to September 2022
**As usual, all our programmes this quarter were very interactive and valuable to the children and we experienced God’s mighty hand in their lives.  The children have been blessed by the teaching on the Holy Spirit as well as the series “Hearing the Voice of God”. They understood that the Holy Spirit is a person and they learnt the importance of hearing His voice.    

**We thank God for the various praise reports that we received from families of the children, testimonies of lives that were saved, restored and delivered by the grace of God.   

**In H.O.W Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria, July and August were severely cold months with heavy rainfalls, but the children still showed up in numbers each week.   

**This quarter, the average regular attendance each week was over 200 in Uganda, 230 in Kenya, 45 in Zimbabwe and 150 children in Nigeria.  South Africa continues to record a weekly average of 150-200 children consistently attending each of the 23 Centres.

                                 House of Wells turns 14
HAPPY 14th year anniversary to HOUSE OF WELLS!  14 years ago on the 8th of August 2008, we landed in South Africa to start the mission work – with lots of uncertainties ahead of us, BUT we knew that because GOD sent us, all will be well eventually. 
We started with 7 children in 2008 and as at 8th August this year, 2,700 children in 30 Centres are benefitting from the work that House of Wells does across 5 nations – helping children and young people through education and feeding them (spiritually & physically) :-
**South Africa – 23 Enrichment Centres with 1900 children and young people
**Zimbabwe – 1 Enrichment Centre with 130 children and young people
**Uganda – 3 Enrichment Centres – 343 children and young people
**Kenya – 2 Enrichment Centres – 138 children and young people
**Nigeria – 1 Enrichment Centre – 185 children and young people
**15 of our teenagers are currently in university, 1 graduated last year and another one will be finishing from university this year.  Many more children are doing much better in their education through the weekly H.O.W Tuition support.  
**Many of the children that have benefited from House of Wells’ extra tuition Classes have excelled in their education, with many more on track to do the same.  
**Our teenagers are embracing a life of purity in Christ, turning from gang culture, many families have come to Christ through their children’s testimonies, many lives transformed, communities seeing the hand of God progressively.  We give God all the glory, it is a privilege and honour to keep serving in HIS vineyard! 
                             H.O.W MALAWI has started!
We started our ENRICHMENT CENTRE programmes in Blantyre, Malawi on Saturday 13th August 2022.  We started with 16 children on the first day.  35 children now attend our weekly classes regularly. 
           2022 Children’s CHRISTMAS FOOD HAMPERS
We have started the preparations for the 2022 FOOD HAMPERS for the children and teenagers in HOW.  The food packs will be given to the children during the week Mon 28th Nov – Sat 3rd Dec 2022.  This year, we are raising funds to buy food packs for over 2800 children across the 6 countries in which H.O.W Enrichment Centres are currently based.
PLEASE donate £5 or R100 towards each hamper, and kindly consider sponsoring as many children as you possibly can.  Please spread the word among your family and friends.  We would appreciate your support to bring the Christmas joy to these children again this year.
To Donate towards the food packs:    
U.K.  – HSBC BANK PLCAccount Name – House of Wells Limited, Account No – 31817353Sort code – 40-09-06
SOUTH AFRICA – Standard Bank (Walmer Park), account name – House of Wells Trust, account no – 201497581, branch code – 024310.  
Please use “XMAS PACKS+your SURNAME”  as reference. 

YOU CAN ALSO DONATE via PAYPAL on our website – www.houseofwells.org/DONATION or use the link paypal.me/houseofwellsAfrica.  Ref: Your surname, Xmas Packs.
We believe it is possible for every child in House of Wells to receive good quality education, and that they should receive all the assistance they need for them to excel in their education.  This was one of the reasons why we set up our Tuition Classes in South Africa in 2012. Currently, 15 teenagers attend the classes in Walmer and Kwazakhele, four days a week.
In Kenya, we have an average of 20 children attending the tuition classes and benefiting from Mathematics, English and Swahili tutorials every week.  We are very encouraged with the level of improvement that we are seeing in the children’s grades.
In Zimbabwe, schools close quite late during the week, and some pupils also have to go to school on Saturday morning as they are still catching up with lessons omitted during the pandemic.   We, therefore, had to run the Tuition classes as a Summer School, during the holidays.  We assisted 22 teenagers in Science, Mathematics and English.

As part of our quarterly WORKSHOPS, H.O.W. teenagers in P.E (South Africa), embarked on various activities like baking, sewing, knitting, movie sessions etc. Each centre had skill workshops and other FUN activities.  In the midst of all the fun, the teenagers also learnt the importance of following instructions, listening and obeying God, during the Bible study for the day.

H.O.W SOUTH AFRICA – in one of our Centres in the Northern area, a Mother gave a testimony that when her son went to spend some time with relatives, they called and told her that they were pleased to see such improvement in her son’s behaviour.  He was also reading his Bible and praying throughout his stay there. They asked which church she is taking him to.  She told them it was not a Church; it was House of Wells.
WALMER CENTRE – 10-year-old Isiphile was introduced to H.O.W 3 years ago after she was sexually assaulted.  We are so thankful for the incredible work that God has done in her life over the past 3 years.  She received professional counselling.  Her family is very grateful to House of Wells for being part of her journey and for the love and care shown to her over the past years. 

HOUSE OF WELLS ZIMBABWE – The newly introduced printed lesson notes that we gave to children this quarter generated excellent feedback from parents and others in the community, who found it beneficial for the whole household.  The parents also used the opportunity to express their gratitude to H.O.W for the various improvements that they have noticed in the behaviour of their children, and in their education.

HOUSE OF WELLS NIGERIA  – God continues to be faithful in H.O.W Nigeria.  The number of children on our register has grown from 183 last quarter to 227 at the end of September.  

HOUSE OF WELLS KENYA – H.O.W children were involved in the National Music Festival competitions. They prayed that God should help them to perform well in the competitions, and requested that H.O.W leaders should also pray over them.  To the glory of God they did very well and were the overall winners in the category they performed in. They received a trophy and have been invited to perform for the president at state house. This has really boosted the faith of the children about prayer. 

A 3rd Centre opens in UGANDA  – We thank God for a great and effectual door that HE opened to us in Mbogo Grammar school, Kawempe, a suburb of Kampala.  This area is traditionally known as a Muslim stronghold but thanks to God who always causes us to overcome.  We reached out to around 70 children in our first week, glory to God. 
**UGANDA SCHOOL SPONSORSHIPSAll the three children that we requested sponsorship for in our last Newsletter have now been sponsored.  We want to say a BIG THANK YOU to the faithful partners who paid the children’s school fees for a full year.  May Jehovah Jireh, the Great Provider, always provide for your need in Jesus’ name.  Eight children (5 of them being orphans), are now being sponsored in Uganda by H.O.W. partners.

                                          OUR  PARTNERS :-
 On behalf of our Trustees, Staff and the children at our Enrichment Centres , we would like to express our gratitude to each and every one of you – every Individual, Organisation, Business and Church that partners with House of Wells (monthly or occasionally).  We appreciate your donations toward the children’s daily meals and monthly groceries, for the purchase of school uniforms, the tuition classes for our Teenagers, staff salaries, and our flight tickets to and from the Mission stations – THANK YOU!  May God bless and record your sacrifice and seeds sown into the lives of these children, in Jesus’ name.  

Churches partnering with HOUSE OF WELLS:  The Liberty Church London (UK);  City Chapel London, The King’s Family Centre (TKFC) U.K,  RCCG Living Water Parish (UK),  Trinity Chapel (UK),  RCCG Bethel Parish,  Chapel of Life (UK), Worship Tabernacle (UK), Charis Christian Centre (UK), Beacon Life Church, Kenya and HARVEST Christian Church, Port Elizabeth – we are grateful for your assistance and support in various ways.

Organisations supporting HOUSE OF WELLS: Rest Assured Property (UK);  LPS Estates (UK);  ShopFit Group (SA), VITAE London, Ambience Consult LTD (UK), Systemxnet Limited (UK), Vision Excel Ltd (UK), Panacom Ltd (UK), Precious Sight Foundation (UK) – thank you so much for your consistent financial support, may God continue to bless your organisations / businesses. 

Every blessing,

Richard and Kemi  Oyin-Adeniji

House of Wells Enrichment Centres

FACEBOOK/house of wells enrichment centres – http://goo.gl/Gw792H
UK Charity Commission Reg no. – 1133474
SA Charity Reg no. – 074732NPO
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