Quarterly Newsletter Q2 (April – June 2024)

House of Wells Quarterly Newsletter (Quarter 2: April – June 2024)
House of Wells (H.O.W), a Non-Profit Organisation registered in South Africa & the UK exists to restore hope and dignity, and release the potential, of children and youth particularly orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children.  
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House of Wells Enrichment Centres
Quarterly Newsletter (April to June 2024)


Dear House of Wells PARTNERS, on behalf of our Trustees, our Staff and the children in our 36 Enrichment Centres, we would like to express our gratitude to every individual, Organisation, Business and Church that partners with House of Wells to enable us to carry out all our activities as a ministry.  We appreciate every individual/church that send donations for staff salaries; partners who send money specifically for the children’s daily meals; for the purchase of school uniforms; groceries for families; the donors giving specifically towards our TUITION CLASSES for Teenagers; those paying for our flight tickets to and from the Mission stations. May heaven bless and record your sacrifices and seeds sown into the lives of these children, in Jesus’ name. THANK YOU!  
                    QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER – APRIL to JUNE 2024 
Lesson topics this quarter include the person of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  During the Easter period, we discussed the death and resurrection of Christ with the children; and they understood the true meaning of Easter.  
We want to acknowledge and appreciate TKFCare, (U.K.) for their ongoing partnership with House of Wells since 2012, which includes monthly contribution towards the salaries of some staff members in H.O.W Port Elizabeth.  We greatly appreciate this kindness and generosity from TKFCare which has helped to stabilise staff retention at our Centres, enabling us to continue the work seamlessly and effectively. 
We also want to appreciate Worship Tabernacle for partnering with us by contributing towards the running of our Uganda Centres every month since 2020. 

May the Lord continue to bless TKFCare and Worship Tabernacle, may the breath of God continually propel the work that you have been called by God to do, and may God cause a great harvest to abound to you for the glory of His name, in Jesus’ mighty name. 

GIFT VOUCHERS for H.O.W students who passed their exams and got admission to University 
In May 2024 Pastor Richard and Pastor Kemi had a meeting with 4 of our young people in Port Elizabeth, who are currently studying at University.  They were given GIFT VOUCHERS during the meeting, for doing exceptionally well in their final exams, which led to them getting admission to study at university.   
CEO of Vitae London visits some of our Centres in Port Elizabeth
William Adoasi (CEO of Vitae London) and his team have been on mission trips to H.O.W Centres in South Africa on 3 or 4 occasions. He visited H.O.W South Africa in June 2024, exactly 8 years after his last visit to PE, and met a few of the young people that Vitae London has supported over the years, some of them now in university.  From each watch they sell, Vitae London gives a percentage to buy school packs for House of Wells’ children.  Each pack includes school jumper, shirts/blouses, trouser/skirt, socks, school bag and school shoes. 
In 2021, Vitae extended their partnership and started to contribute towards our TUITION CENTRES in various nations, where professional teachers give quality tutoring to our teenagers in grades 10 to 12.
In 2016, Vitae London did a video shoot featuring 11-year-old Lihle, one of our children in Walmer Centre (South Africa) who received uniforms from VITAE a few times.  Lihle is now 19, has finished High School and waiting for her results, hoping to start university next year.  

We are seeking support for a teenager in House of Wells UGANDA, who has finished Primary School for over a year and has not been able to proceed to High School because her mother is not able to pay the school fees.  Please contact us if you are able to sponsor her.  May you always be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous and may the Lord breathe upon your giving in Jesus’ name. 


**A 15 year old who is HIV positive was abandoned by his father after his mum died. He is currently being looked after by a relative.  H.O.W. has been supporting him with extra food to take home and with everything he needs for school.  He is doing very well at school. He has been attending H.O.W from a very young age and gave his life to Jesus 3 years ago.  He loves serving God, very committed to the H.O.W programme and always participate in our activities. 
**Wethu (14) used to bully other children at school, was very disruptive and enjoyed causing fights.  She was very disobedient and unruly when she started at H.O.W.  We later discovered that the reason for her behaviour was because she, and her 3 brothers, were not coping with the loss of their Mom (5 years ago), after which their father then abandoned them.  Our leaders continued to talk to her and pray for her incessantly.  We thank God for the improvements we have witnessed so far.  H.O.W leaders raised the issue with Wethu’s school Principal, who has involved Social Workers to ensure that Wethu and her brothers are properly followed up.  

CAPE TOWN (South Africa)

**Shafic (9), from our Busawula Centre, was a Moslem and has been attending H.O.W for 2 years.  He gave his life to Christ at the beginning of 2024. Since then Shafic has exhibited such a speedy growth and hunger for spiritual things.  Shafic always goes to his friend’s house to read the Bible because they have no Bible in his house being a Moslem home. 
**Randy (13), from our Mbogo Centre, used to struggle academically and had difficulty concentrating in class due to learning disorders. Our leaders have been praying for him and supporting him in various ways.  His parents have testified of noticeable improvement in Randy.  H.O.W will continue to support him.
**In Busawuula, three siblings who are Muslims gave their lives to Christ.  
**We also thank God for Henry, our teenager in Engineering College, studying Motor Vehicle Engineering, who is progressing very well in his studies. Henry had to leave mainstream school a year ago as he was not coping well.  But his life changed for the better since H.O.W registered him at the College and found him a sponsor. 
**The number of children attending our Tuition classes in House of Wells Lenana has increased to 35, as more children join the classes due to the noticeable improvement in the grades of the children attending the tuition classes. 
**We bless God for providing for H.O.W to be able to buy school uniforms for the children at Centre of Hope Primary School, Kibera. 
**Esther, from our Centre in Kibera, has been selected to represent her School at a Chess Tournament in South Africa.  We thank God in advance for her success.
**House of Wells Nigeria celebrated Children’s Day on Monday 27 May, with lots of fun activities including Bible quizzes and games, recitation of previous memory verses, etc, and winners received some gifts.
**Our leaders have noticed three siblings who come regularly to H.O.W but were always very withdrawn and never interacted or participated during lessons.  After prayers and enquiries, H.O.W leaders found that their parents have been unemployed for a long time, and were really struggling financially.  H.O.W have been encouraging the parents  and praying with them, to the glory of God their mother recently got a job!  There is now a positive change in the children’s countenance and in their attitude.  
We visited about 225 H.O.W children’s homes this quarter. The parents/guardians were delighted to welcome us into their homes. They thanked H.O.W for what we do for their children; and some even prayed for H.O.W. Some parents/guardians gave their lives to Christ and testified of the goodness of God in the lives of their children.  The living condition of some of the children we visited was poor and majority of them urgently need school shoes and uniforms.  

A few stories :-
Swarts family – Four children attend H.O.W in this family  – Tamzlin (14), Denika (11), Ronwin (6) and Memolene (13), all live with their Aunt. Memolene has epilepsy from a very young age and has been receiving treatment for it. The Aunt said she always encourage the children to attend H.O.W because over the years, she has seen the spiritual and moral impact on them.  She asked us to keep praying for complete healing for Memolene.

Williams family – Five children attend H.O.W in that house.  The Mum said that Aluthando (6) always tell her what he learns at H.O.W, reminds her that they have to pray before they go to bed and that they must pray in the name of Jesus only.  

Terran M and LeeAnn G – they live with their grandmother (73).  Lee is an orphan.  The granny told us that Lee prays for everything concerning the family, especially whenever she is sick, Lee will pray for her and even lay hands on her. She said Lee discusses all the lessons she learnt at H.O.W when she gets home. We encouraged the family with scriptures and prayed for them.  After prayer the grandmother said she thought that God had forgotten about her and her family but on that day she realised that God still loves and cares for them. 

Xenia Williams – lives with her grandmother, who welcomed the H.O.W Team so warmly telling them that H.O.W classes is the reason for Xenia’s improved behaviour, her spiritual growth and her recent academic achievements.  



 On behalf of our Trustees, Staff and the children at our Enrichment Centres, we would like to express our gratitude to each and every one of you – every Individual, Organisation, Business and Church that partners with House of Wells (monthly or occasionally). We appreciate your donations toward the children’s daily meals and monthly groceries, for the purchase of school uniforms, the tuition classes for our Teenagers, staff salaries, and our flight tickets to and from the Mission stations – THANK YOU! May God bless and record your sacrifice and seeds sown into the lives of these children, in Jesus’ name.  
Churches partnering with HOUSE OF WELLS:–  The KING’S FAMILY CENTRE (TKFC) U.K; The LIBERTY CHURCH London (UK);  JESUS HOUSE (UK); CITY CHAPEL London,  OASIS OF LOVE (UK); PRAISE CHAPEL (UK); RCCG Living Water Parish (UK),  TRINITY CHAPEL (UK),  RCCG Bethel Parish,  CHAPEL of LIFE (UK), WORSHIP TABERNACLE (UK), CHARIS CHRISTIAN CENTRE (UK)BEACON LIFE Church (Kenya), HARVEST Christian Church (Port Elizabeth) and Global Revival Ministries (Ghana) –  We are grateful for your assistance and support in various ways. Organisations supporting HOUSE OF WELLS:– Rest Assured Property (UK);  LPS Estates (UK); VITAE London, Ambience Consult LTD (UK), Systemxnet Limited (UK)Vision Excel Ltd (UK), Panacom Ltd (UK), Precious Sight Foundation (UK); PARACH LTD; SHOPFIT GROUP (South Africa); KEYBASE Technology (UK) NAVAH Techno (UK) and HERITAGE Editing Services (UK) –  Thank you so much for your consistent financial support, may God continue to bless your organisations / businesses.  

Many blessings,
Richard and Kemi OYIN-ADENIJI

House of Wells Enrichment Centres

 FACEBOOK/house of wells enrichment centres – http://goo.gl/Gw792H
 UK Charity Commission Reg no. – 1133474
 SA Charity Reg no. – 074732NPO
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