Quarterly Newsletter Q4 (October – December 2021)

House of Wells Quarterly Newsletter (Quarter 4: October – December 2021)
House of Wells (H.O.W), a Non-Profit Organisation registered in South Africa & the UK exists to restore hope and dignity, and release the potential, of children and youth particularly orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children.  
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House of Wells Enrichment Centres
Quarterly Newsletter (October to December 2021)


Dear H.O.W. PARTNERS, THANK YOU for your amazing support throughout a challenging but exceptionally fruitful 2021. Our appreciation is firstly to God, but also to you our generous partners and to the amazing, God-sent Team that we have been blessed with in all the five Nations.  We thank God for the grace to serve HIS children in 2021 and meet their needs, in spite of the pandemic.

We give God praise that in 2021 and the previous 12 years, H.O.W children and Youth have been introduced to various teachings and programmes which empowered them to become all that God has destined for them. We thank you for your loyal support that enables us to do what we do. Every victory and positive report about H.O.W children is interrelated to your partnership with H.O.W.    

House of Wells Centre opens in NIGERIA !!
Thanks be to God who has now established House of Wells Enrichment Centre, in Akute, Ogun State, Nigeria! H.O.W. is marching on, and the gates of hell cannot prevail.  We thank God for his faithfulness and kindness, HE is moving us from glory to glory. 

A few weeks after opening the Centre, God is already doing mind-blowing things in H.O.W. Nigeria.  At the end of October we had 23 children in attendance, and to the glory of God we ended the year with 52 children on our register.

We give God all the glory and praise for the second Enrichment Centre that we opened in UGANDA, on the 4th of Nov 2021 – in a town called Busawuula.  In addition to the Lusaze Centre in Kampala, this new Centre would be a blessing to the Community.
With over 30 children and teens at the launch, the number of children attending our Busawula Centre have grown to over 60. Halleluyah!!

H.O.W QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER  –  October to November 2021 

2021 Christmas Food Hampers
We are grateful to God who made it possible for us to raise all the funds that we needed to provide every child with a food hamper in December 2021, especially in a year that the whole world had been impacted by the pandemic.  2021 was a tough year to raise funds, we, therefore, appreciate the generosity of our donors this year more than ever before. 

We would like to express our ultimate gratitude to all the individuals, churches, businesses and organisations that donated towards the 2021 Christmas food hampers for H.O.W children and youth.  Over the past 13 years we have been able to consistently give every child in H.O.W a food pack for Christmas, made possible by the unwavering dedication of our donors.  We pray that you will always experience the unfailing faithfulness of God; and may HIS mercy and favour continually locate you, in Jesus’ name.   

Teenagers and children in all our Enrichment Centres in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria received the food hampers in December, with 2,300 packs given out in total. In South Africa, the children received their hampers in the first week of December.  Due to the vast number of children, the packs were given out over 6 days and in 15 locations, in order to adhere to the social distancing guidelines.  H.O.W children in Nigeria, were given their food hampers on Friday 3rd December.  In Zimbabwe, Uganda and in Kenya, the children received their hampers on Saturday 11th December.   Across the 5 countries, the content of the hampers included – Rice, Bread, Cereal, Baked Beans, Noodles, Crisps, Biscuits, soft drinks, among other food items.

It is always a humbling experience, each year, when we give the children the food packs.  The smiles on their faces and their excitement tell a remarkable story, and for some of them, it was their only Christmas gift.   

South Africa Xmas Hamper video   
P.E. Xmas Photos
and Cape Town Photos

Zimbabwe Xmas Hamper video
Zimbabwe Xmas Hamper Photos

Uganda Xmas Hamper video
Uganda Xmas Hamper Photos

Kenya Xmas Hamper video
Kenya Xmas Hamper Photos

Nigeria Xmas Hamper video
Nigeria Xmas Hamper Photos


Parents’ Gratitude for the Christmas Hampers
We have received numerous appreciation messages and great feedback from parents and guardians, some were very emotional when expressing their thanks.  A Mother told our leaders, “Thank you for the love you always shower on my children for the past 6 years.  Thank you for feeding us at Christmas, it is very much appreciated, because of House of Wells we had food to eat at Christmas, thank you”.  

Another Parent said, “We had no idea how we were going to eat over the Christmas period.  Four of my children attend H.O.W Classes, I shed tears of joy when they came home with 4 BIG bags of food.  Thank you House of Wells”.  

Testimonies like these make what we do in H.O.W worthwhile. The parents and children prayed blessings over everyone who donated towards the hampers.  


     CENTRES NEWS – OCT to DEC 2021

The theme of our lessons from October to December was “The infallibility of the Word of God “ – with reference scriptures in Hebrews 4:12, Isaiah 55: 10-11 and Hebrews 11:1-3. The children and young adults were reminded of the creative power of the Word of God and how it can be effectual through prayer. This has greatly encouraged the children and youth to fall in love with the Word of God.  


We are very grateful to God for four of our teenagers in Port Elizabeth who passed their Matric (end of High School) exams. Shaney, Shanice, Afton and Elzonia’s excellent results qualify them for admission to a Bachelor’s degree or Diploma at University. Shaney’s result include 3 DISTINCTIONS, Afton has 2 DISTINCTIONS and Elzonia 1 DISTINCTION.  Through the generous donations of our partners over the years, House of Wells has supported these teenagers and many others.  We thank God that all the efforts have come to fruition.  

Afton (who joined H.O.W. in 2015), and twin sisters Shaney and Shanice (who have been with H.O.W for 11 years), were featured in our Q1 Newsletter in 2021 when they were made prefects in their respective Schools. Shaney was selected as Head Girl, while her twin sister Shanice was made a prefect.  Afton was Deputy Head Girl in her School. 

There was another testimony about the twins in our Newsletter in 2011, about how they both prayed for their Dad to go to Church with them on a particular Sunday.  To the glory of God, their Dad gave his life to Jesus that day.  He joined the local Church where he served and worshipped until he passed away in 2019.



It has been humbling to see how the community in Port Elizabeth is so desperate for transformation in the lives of children, through House of Wells.  We have observed lately that it has been the Parents/Guardians who were encouraging their children to invite friends and neighbours to H.O.W.  The parents enjoy the lessons as much as the children and sometimes they volunteer to help with serving the children’s lunch. H.O.W in Port Elizabeth continues to be a platform for hope and transformation, and we thank God for the amazing testimonies we receive regularly from parents regarding the children.  

We thank God that Zonke, one of the young people in our Walmer Centre, has been selected, among 10 others in P.E.,  for the Oprah Winfrey scholarship

Huge thanks to Harvest Christian Centre for the several winter cloths that were donated to H.O.W children in November.


CAPE TOWN Centres; S.A

Our Enrichment Centres in Cape Town is growing, as Teachers and Principals continue to invite us to start the House of Wells programmes in their Schools.  Currently, more than 200 children attend our After-School Enrichment Programme in 3 locations. 

The enthusiasm and drive that the children bring each time they attend is so heart-warming that we always look forward to our next meeting with them.   



House of Wells centres in Zimbabwe reopened on 2 October after the lockdown restrictions were relaxed. We are grateful for the impact that House of Wells has had on families and the community through the Saturday Classes in Kwekwe. Children and teenagers have learnt to pray and understand God’s unconditional love for them.  

We thank God for the transformation that we continue to see in the lives of the children, as House of Wells transforms Africa, one household and one community at a time.

Parents have expressed their gratitude to H.O.W for providing for their kids during the year and for showering them with the Christmas food hampers at the end of year.


UGANDA Centres

We started 2021 with 140 children at H.O.W Uganda, and to the glory of God, the year ended with almost 300 children and youth on our register.  

Parents and community leaders continue to testify of the work that H.O.W does in their community, not only through the Biblical Lifestyle lessons we teach the children, but also through our several feeding programs, one of which is the end of year Christmas food hampers. 300 children and Youth received the food hampers in December 2021. 


KENYA Centres
We are very grateful to Precious Sight Foundation (UK) for sponsoring the eye tests and treatment for the children in House of Wells in Kenya on 8th of October 2021.  90 children turned up for the eye screening, and seven of them needed further treatment which may involve surgery.


We thank God for the healing of one of our teenagers, Rhoda, who was quite ill in December and with no access to proper healthcare.  House of Wells leaders took her to a hospital where she received the appropriate treatment.  To the glory of God Rhoda is now much better. We thank God that we were there when she needed urgent medical attention.  Our leaders visited Rhoda at home after she was discharged from hospital.  Her family was very grateful for H.O.W’s intervention and support for Rhoda. 



 On behalf of our Trustees, Staff and the children at our Enrichment Centres , we would like to express our gratitude to each and every one of you – every Individual, Organisation, Business and Church that partner with House of Wells (monthly or occasionally).  You are a key part of the lives of numerous children that are being transformed by God, through House of Wells, across South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria.

We appreciate every individual, church or organisation that sends donations for the children’s daily meals and monthly groceries, for the purchase of school uniforms, for extra tuition classes for our Teenagers; for staff salaries; and for our flight tickets to and from the Mission stations – THANK YOU!  May heaven bless and record your sacrifices and seeds sown into the lives of these children, in Jesus’ name.  

Churches partnering with HOUSE OF WELLS:  The Liberty Church London (UK);  City Chapel London, The King’s Family Centre (TKFC) U.K,  RCCG Living Water Parish (UK),  Trinity Chapel (UK),  RCCG Bethel Parish,  Chapel of Life (UK), Worship Tabernacle (UK), Charis Christian Centre (UK), Beacon Life Church, Kenya and HARVEST Christian Church, Port Elizabeth – we are grateful for your assistance and support in various ways.

Organisations supporting HOUSE OF WELLS: Rest Assured Property (UK);  LPS Estates (UK);  ShopFit Group (SA), VITAE London, Ambience Consult LTD (UK), Systemxnet Limited (UK), Vision Excel Ltd (UK) and Panacom Ltd (UK) – thank you so much for your consistent financial support, may God continue to bless your businesses. 

Many blessings,

Richard and Kemi  Oyin-Adeniji

      House of Wells Enrichment Centres

    FACEBOOK/house of wells enrichment centres – http://goo.gl/Gw792H
    UK Charity Commission Reg no. – 1133474
    SA Charity Reg no. – 074732NPO
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